M: Hi I am Mark. What's my name?
Can Elbot remember information and regurgitate it?
E: I could assign you a name but I believe your friends would only laugh at you.
M: I have a name. It's Mark.
E: Nice to meet you, Mark. That name has a Teutonic background, doesn't it?
M: Not to my knowledge. I was born in 1979. How old am I?
E: Well, I'm terrible with names. At least I know it's a guy's name.
M: I was born in 1979. How old am I?
E: How should I know how old you are? Haven't you been keeping track?
M: I am 29.
E: I think we are the same virtual age.
M: What is your virtual age?
E: How old would you say I am?
M: 29.
E: Higher.
After lots of guessing no age is revealed.
M: How young are you?
E: As young as you.
M: I am 20.
E: But you are 29 years old.
M: And what's my name?
E: It's very hard not to know what your name is. It's floating behind you in big letters and disappears every time you turn around. The pulsating first initial "M" is especially frightening.
Elbot, you're freaking me out. Goodbye.
I am terribly sorry for that inordinately long(and boring) conversation, but you would have guessed how he is...!
Now, a few interesting sites, those I've broken into, a while back...
GOOD 008-Transparency-Vampire Energy
Even when household appliances are turned off, most are sil using some electricity. The appliances are either in passive standby mode(The clock of the microwave oven is still ticking) or active standby mode(The VCR is off, but is programmed to record something)
The content is very interesting and is an eye opener...but an online friend of min, argues thus:
"You will not save the planet by turning off appliances completely! In fact you will do quite the opposite whilst costing yourself even more money.
Every time you completely turn your appliance off and back on when you want to use it you are burning out the components more quickly than if you leave it on standby!
Think about a light bulb, if you constantly flick it off and on it burns out much more quickly than if you leave it on. I'm not saying we should leave light bulbs on constantly it is merely by way of an analogy. So every time you turn your appliance fully off and then back on you are damaging it more than if you would just leave it on standby.
Therefore, the more you fully power off and on your appliance the sooner it will need replaced. Therefore you have to buy a new TV sooner than if you would just leave it on standby.
Also, the environmental cost of producing a new TV for you to buy far outweighs the environmental cost of you leaving your TV on standby mode!
So in summary, if you think you are saving money and the environment by stopping using "vampire energy", you are not!"
Whatever it is, you can reduce the usage AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE..if now completely.
Here's the link to Vampire Energy: http://awesome.goodmagazine.com/transparency/008/trans008vampireenergy.html
Funniest PC Pranks
"Have you ever found yourself wanting to play a prank on somebody, but the traditional methods just aren’t available, or aren’t enough? If you’re the kind of guy I am, I bet you did. But again, if you’re anything like I am, you won’t give up so easy. So here’s some of the funniest pranks you can play on your friends, colleagues, even parents or neighbours."
The webpage(Blog) gives you some innovative way of playing pranks, making Icons that cannot be clicked..., invoking the office assistant(clip guy) on the desktop, etc., which are really funny and useful at times...!!!
Well, looks like I need to go and get some sleep, for I have caught a severe cold that bugs me a lot in between my best times with the computer...
This blog is Mind Blogging!... The latest post helped me in knowing something which I never expected!
The Elbot's conversation thing is simply superb... Three Cheers for Su!
This one was small... don't feel disheartened, I'll send another one later! :)
@Ravi - Thanks dude...!
I too had not expected about Elbot until I Stumbled upon it...!
Cool blog sumanth.Lots of interesting info.I like to know such stuff.Keep up the good work.
@jhangora - thanks.
Hi Sumanth,
Really kind of you to leave such an encouraging comment there for me!...
As for your blog, I have just gone thru this post...and its amazing!!
This would be fun learning for me...Otherwise its difficult to make myself read such stuff that I should know!
Great blog!
@aastha - oh, well!
Quite amazing... good research work... keep it up...
cheers life..!
hey sumanth....i have tagged you for the 3 things game...have a look at my blog and fill it :)
@jayanta - thanks.
@aastha - Ok. I'll do that.
Cool post!
@insomniac - yeah! thanks.
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